West London Alliance Church

Hello church family,Due to the new government announcement and restrictions, we have had to make some changes to our Easter Sunday morning services.Please watch the video I have recorded below to hear more about these changes.Here are the things you need to know: We will cancel existing Easter Sunday registrations, no need to do that on your
Happy Boxing Day West London Alliance Church!I hope your Christmas celebrations were full of comfort and joy; that is, I hope they were full of Jesus Christ.As promised, I wanted to communicate with you a few things going forward.First, for the time being and until further notice, we will not be gathering on Sunday mornings but instead will be

Saturday with the Elders - Tim Seabrook

Signs, signs, everywhere a sign!Masks, masks, everywhere a mask, covering up your friendly smile, blocking out your voice, wear this, don’t wear that, did you forget your mask? If you are like me, growing up in the 60s and 70s, you may recall the song "Signs” by a band known as Five Man Electrical Band. I of course have modified the
Hello church family,Here is an update on the Arabic Fellowship: how we have been doing over this COVID-19 time, what our ministries look like, and how you can be praying for us.Please pray with us: Pray for the ministry and the people involved. The Arabic-speaking population in London is growing significantly. Pray that we would make ourselves
Hi church,Check out this interview that we did with Susan about the WLA Community Garden.It was great to be able to run this ministry this year, despite everything happening with COVID-19.As Susan mentioned, it is a blessing to see people inside and outside of our church build community and grow together.Please keep the Community Garden ministry

Ministry Spotlight: Women's ESL

The Women's ESL (English as a Second Language) ministry at WLA serves to reach out to women who are new to Canada and are looking to improve their English conversational skills.  It is a privilege to help them begin to feel more at home here in London and it is so enriching to build friendships with women from all "corners" of the
This is the Day: A Reflection on Psalm 118This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. – Psalm 118:24 It’s hard to imagine in these COVID-19 times, but there was a time growing up when that song was a cue for my church to get up and go say hello and shake hands, hug friends and introduce

COVID-19 Support

Please let us know how we can support you in the midst of this pandemic. Whether they are practical needs requests, or prayer and spiritual support requests, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!