West London Alliance Church

Up until last Thursday my planner was filled with the lectures, labs, and meetings I needed to attend. I had pre-planned every day down to the hour, deciding what I would accomplish, who I would visit, and how I would spend my time. Now, I find myself looking at empty pages and wondering what to do with myself. I have friends who are graduating

Practical Tips for Homeschooling

Okay parents! Last week Barbara Postma shared some great tips about how to spend this time well with your kids at home. Surely now that the kids have been home for two full weeks, you're looking for some practical tips and tricks. So here we go!  From Mary Wright:Here are a couple of tips from me: (It's been a bit longer for me since

Online Resources from the WLA Library

Hello West London Alliance. During these challenging times of isolation, representing the library resources of the church, I would like to offer you some ideas on ways to spend your time and support your family as well as offer encouragement.  We've received information about linking to a free 30-day access to view the Pilgrims Progress
Continuing in our Easter Sermon Series: Isaiah's Suffering Servant - Involvement Isaiah 53:4-6Don't have Facebook? No problem. You can watch the sermon right here.Sermon Notes | Link to Weekly Bulletins The worship set list and explanation for each of the selected songs can be found here.  

Worship - Kate Standish

Hey friends!What a strange time we find ourselves in. If I’m honest, it hasn’t been particularly easy for me, but I’m sure I’m not alone in that!Four years ago, I found myself in the midst of the worst panic attacks and anxiety I’d ever experienced. By the kindness of God, and through prayer, reading, a lot of

WLA Food Drive

Hi everyone, As we are readjusting our lives to live in community and also to social distance, the need for church is becoming more and more apparent. A number of people have reached out to ask how they can help. Here is the first stage of support to the community we are initiating: FOOD DRIVE If you didn’t know, WLA partners with the

Prayer - Josie Postma

The prayer focus this week is for Josie Postma who is on a year long missions trip to Macedonia.  Here are a few ways we as a church family can pray for her.  Continued peace in this situation, and flights home if it is God's will. Diligence in Bible reading. Health and safety for the SEND Missions Team and other

Sermon Playlist for March 29, 2020

Hey everyone! This is Pastor Jude and this is the first time I have ever put together a worship set. Dave was supposed to be leading worship this Sunday, but we decided we would let him focus on getting the team back from Peru. Be warned, I have no idea how these songs fit together musically; that is a realm way beyond any expertise I have.

Five Thoughts from the Life of Ezra

One thing I love about reading God’s Word is how the Holy Spirit causes a verse or passage that you’ve read a dozen times to pop out at you, as though you are seeing it for the first time. I recently read Ezra chapter 7, where the Jewish exiles had returned from captivity and rebuilt the temple, and Ezra the priest was sent back to

We Need Your Help

I was listening to a lecture by one of my favourite theologians—Wayne Grudem—and in that lecture on God’s providence he quoted Ephesians 1:11 which reads, “In him [Christ] we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will” (ESV).

COVID-19 Support

Please let us know how we can support you in the midst of this pandemic. Whether they are practical needs requests, or prayer and spiritual support requests, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!