West London Alliance Church

In 2008 I began blogging. From then until sometime in 2014, I posted a fair amount of content. I'm going to reuse-recycle some of that material every Thursday here at In the Trenches. It will be TBT@ITT, or Throwback Thursday at In the Trenches. Enjoy!

"In these, and in innumerable other ways, God keeps you from temptation." (Owen, John. Triumph Over Temptation. Colorado Springs: Victor. 2005. p176)
  1. "God may deliver you, first of all, by sending you an affliction to mortify your heart toward that temptation. While before it was a sweet morsel to your tongue, now you have no further taste or relish for it. Your desire for it has been killed." (176)
  2. "Second, God may by some providence alter the source of your temptation. When He takes the fuel from the fire, it goes out." (176)
  3. "Third, He may tread down Satan under your feet if he should ever dare to suggest anything that is to your disadvantage. When the God of peace does this, you will not hear from Satan anymore." (176)
  4. "Fourth, He may give you such a supply of grace that you will be free, not perhaps from the temptation itself, but from the tendency and the danger of it." (176)
  5. "Fifth, He may also give you such an assurance of success in the issue that He leaves you refreshed in the midst of your trials." (176)
  6. "Sixth, God may utterly remove the temptation and make you a complete conqueror." (176)
"Remember whenever temptation surprises you and makes entry into your soul, that you have all the resources, with all speed, to repair the breach. Close up that passage where the waters have begun to flood. Deal with your soul like a wise physician. Inquire when, how, and by what means you fell into this sickness. If you find that negligence or carelessness in keeping watch over yourself is at the bottom of it all, then focus upon this tendency or weakness. Lament before the Lord; then proceed to the work that lies before you." (176)

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