West London Alliance Church

The past months have stretched people in so many ways. One of the main ways we have been stretched is in our connection to others. If it weren't for COVID-19, we would be gathering with our friends and families for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, funerals, holidays, and other milestones so differently. Another way we have been stretched significantly is in our connection to our church family.

Even in the midst of this stretching, the Word is still the same and we have the joy to be able to share it with one another. Thank you to all of the leaders that have continued to strive to encourage, teach, and pray with one another through this time. Thank you for those who have made meals or phone calls to encourage others. Thank you for the prayer warriors who have not ceased. Thank you for the countless people who gave, or contributed to the needs of the community. Thank you for those of you have made this church more than just a building but a living, worshipping demonstration of our great God’s work.

There are also things that I miss. I really took for granted the casual handshake and smiling "Good morning!" from the greeters at the door. I miss unmasked, loud singing and warm embracing among the congregation.

However, I recognize that these memories might not exist in everyone's minds. Perhaps you are new to our church community and have only been attending in COVID-19 times. I want to extend a special welcome to you!

Maybe you have put off getting connected because you thought it would be awkward or you've just said "I'll wait until things get back to normal". In the midst of not knowing when things will return to normal, I want to encourage you to get connected now.

If you are new and no longer want to be a stranger, please consider our Connection Pathway. This Pathway includes 3 classes. You could attend just one of these classes or all of them:

  • WLA101 (Sunday, April 18th at 1PM): This is an opportunity to hear what WLA is all about, and our beliefs, distinctives, ministries, and denomination.
  • Membership Class (Sunday, April 25th at 1PM): Learn about the biblical basis for membership and what membership looks like at WLA.
  • Baptism Class (Sunday, May 2nd at 1PM): Learn about baptism at WLA.
If you want to register for any of these classes, please visit our Eventbrite. Hope to see you there!

If you are wanting to get connected in a more personal way, please reach out. I would love to chat with you!

Have a great week everyone.


Graham Buchanan
Graham Buchanan Director of Community Life
Graham oversees our local community impact and works to create community inside the church.

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